Reasons to Book Direct
We know that sometimes it can be a struggle booking a holiday and not knowing where to get the best deals, which is why we recommend booking directly with us.
We're committed to offering the best price available and we’re known for doing the best we can for our guests. Booking directly also has a range of other benefits, take a look at just a few reasons booking directly benefits you below.
1. Best Price Guarantee
We guarantee that you'll find the best offers and prices here or through our reservation team.
2. No Penalty Charges
You can cancel directly with us up to 72 hours prior to arrival without penalty charges.
3. Exclusive offers and up to date information
Our website shows the most up to date information, offers and value-added packages.
4. Guest Relations
Reserving on our website or booking on the phone is quick, clear, and easy and we can guarantee a friendly voice on the other end. Plus, at the time of booking, you are welcome to pre-book any meal times to avoid disappointment on arrival.
5. Room Allocation
We always do our best to allocate you the best rooms we have available when you book directly with us, where possible we’ll offer free upgrades to guests that book direct.
How does the best price guarantee work?
We guarantee that you'll find the best offers and prices here or through our reservation team.
In the unlikely event that you find a lower publicly available rate, on a competing website (with the same restrictions, payment requirements, dates etc) then we will match it.
Please note you will first need to make your reservation either through our website or through our reservation team before you can submit a claim. Upon verification of your claim, The Royal Duchy Hotel will honour the rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found. Rooms on the other websites must be bookable on the internet at the time of verification.

How to submita Claim
Please forward your reservation confirmation email received together with the following information:
- Your full name
- Your reservation number
- Your arrival date
- The number of room nights our reservation is for
- A print screen of the website where the lower rate is available and the website address
Please send this information to reservations@royalduchy.com.